is currently under construction

I aim to have this site to a functional standard by the end of 2011. Feel free to look around at what I've got, things will change and rearrange on a daily basis. I would not say the site has "launched" at this stage, however what I have is publicly accessible. I plan to launch through a Facebook campaign as well as advertising on other websites. I do have the email address set up though! So if you do wish to contact me about anything in regards to the website, just use This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

UPDATE: Progress on the framework has flown far quicker than expected! The framework (for the most part) is complete and now all we need is content! I'm doing my best to add bits each day - but you can do your bit too! Additions, corrections, submissions, pictures, profiles, results - everything! To submit information just use the Submissions email above!

Category: Uncategorised